A research manuscript should consist of:

Manuscript Information: Title, List of Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords

Required sections: Introduction, Methods, Results/Research Findings, Discussion, Conclusions and Suggestions, References.

Additional documents: Supplementary Materials, Acknowledgements, Funding Information (if required)

Article Title, (Contantia, size 16 pt), the title is written briefly and clearly in accordance with the problem to be discussed, does not contain unusual abbreviations, reflects the issue and focus of the study. The title must contain three elements, namely, Formal Object, Material Object and Context. The title of the article should be written in no more than 18 words, in bold and left-aligned format.

Author Name, (Contantia, size 12 pt), mark with superscript numbering 1,2, etc. Different author Affiliations, (Contantia, size 10 pt).

Corresponding Author, (Contantia, size 10 pt), mark with superscript asterisk "*", this will be used to mark the email address of the corresponding author, above the all author affiliation.

Abstract, (Contantia, size 10 pt), Is a comprehensive description of the results of writing this article. The abstract contains several elements, including: 1. The essence of the problem to be studied; 2. Purpose or formulation of the problem; 3. Theories and methods used; 4. Findings and conclusions; 5. Suggested recommendations

The five aspects are written in one paragraph, 1 space, maximum 180 words, Italic font, Indonesian and English.

Keywords, (Contantia, size 10 pt), drawn from the important focus of the review. Written in a maximum of 3-7 words. Avoid using double concepts and plural terms (e.g. 'and', 'of'). These keywords will be used for indexing.

INTRODUCTION,(Contantia, size 12 pt).

Paragraph. General issue/case that contains problem research (dissertation or references from various articles). 1 paragraph

Paragraph. Specific issues/cases in accordance with the issues researched. Present the argumentation of the problem studied (research problem) from the issue / phenomenon that occurred, telling the phenomenon or case under study, social facts and what is crucial from the facts studied, which are supported by qualitative and quantitative data, the problem in writing the article is obtained by photographing the gap between das sein and das sollen. (accompanied by references from various articles).

Paragraph. Explaining the reasons why this study issue is important to be researched / written, this paragraph is to see the extent of its urgency and its implications and contributions. 1-2 paragraphs

Paragraph. Review of relevant literature/research that compares this article with the results of other similar studies, then explains the similarities and differences (show the position of novelty). 1 paragraph

Paragraph. Research questions or study objectives that will be answered in this article. 1 paragraph

Introduction is sufficient (Written in 5-6 paragraphs, Cambria, size 12 pt)

METHODS, (Contantia, size 12 pt), in describing research methods, the author is not allowed to use sub-chapters, but must be clearly narrated with paragraphs (the number of paragraphs is adjusted to the needs). The description of the method must be implementative, in accordance with what the researcher does in the field. The content component of the research method consists of research approach; subject and research location (if the article is the result of field research); primary and secondary data sources; data collection techniques; data validity checking (if the article is the result of field research); data analysis techniques.

Methods, types, approaches used, data sources and data analysis techniques, the content does not explain what the definition is. So that the description of the method is not a description of the notions of research method experts. The research does not explain what interviews, observations and documentation are, but explains how to obtain data (who is interviewed, why the person is the subject of research/interviewed; what is observed, how the observation process is carried out, why it needs to be observed; what documents are sought, how to get them and why they are important). What we have done to make this work a reality must be stated. Academic honesty: there were 2 informants but 1 could not be interviewed, refused to be interviewed and so on.

How the analysis was done (of course related to the theory used/written in the introduction). 2-3 paragraphs

RESEARCH RESULTS, (Contantia, size 12 pt), in the form of data from the field obtained from research, this is descriptive data. This is very necessary as a result of consideration between the results of research findings in the field with theories related to the discussion of research. The findings are presented as a summary of the data but carefully, not the detailed data, can use tables, graphs, then explained with narrative words. Why is it not in line, why is it in line, why is the practice like that, mention the source of the interview. Research findings/results consist of descriptive statistics, assumption test results, and hypothesis test results (if any and quantitative) or interview and observation data or other qualitative data (if qualitative) or literature review/critical review data, then critically analysed, and presented sequentially or integrated. The presentation of the results section contains the results of data analysis.

he results of this study are flexible, meaning that in one sub-chapter the results of this study can contain several research results if there are indeed many things to be revealed. If there are tables/charts/pictures/photos, they contain exposure to the results of analyses that are already meaningful and easy to understand their meaning quickly. Tables/charts/pictures/photos do not contain raw data that can or should still be processed.

DISCUSSION (Contantia, size 12 pt), discussion or analysis, namely the author focuses directly on answering the formulation of the problem or research objectives written in the background of the problem (introduction), which is written systematically, analysed using relevant theoretical studies that are strengthened by relevant previous research studies. The discussion here contains more details of problematic findings identified by the author related to the study being researched or written. In writing the discussion or analysis, it is preferable to use reference sources from scientific journals.

Related to tables or photos, it is written in the middle or at the end of each text description of research results/objectives. The discussion is written attached to the data discussed. The discussion of table contents should not be separated from the data discussed. The title of the table is written centre aligned, all words begin with uppercase letters, except conjunctions. If more than one line is written in single space.

CONCLUSION, (Contantia, size 12 pt), the content of the conclusion is the formulation of answers to research objectives and research hypotheses rather than a summary of research results. Conclusions are made concisely, clearly and concisely based on the results and discussion, made in paragraph form (not numerical), contain research findings as a synthesis between the results of data analysis and discussion results, and highlight new things that contribute to the development of religious, social and cultural sciences.

LITERATURE, (Contantia, size 12 pt). In citation or reference using the Reference model or reference list contains everything referred to in the text that comes from sources that are; (a) relevant, (b) at least 80% up-to-date (last 5 years), and (c) at least 80% primary, especially from nationally accredited and internationally reputable journal articles). It is mandatory to cite international Journal reference sources at least 7 (Seven reputable international journal articles or scopus).

 The technical provisions for writing in SMART journals are as follows:

  1. Articles should be between 5000 and 6000 words in length. This includes all text, for example, the abstract, references, all text in tables, and figures and appendices.
  2. Manuscripts can be in the form of empirical research results / case studies or conceptual articles in the field of law. The scope contains special studies related to Legal Issues in Marriage; Comparative Family Law Issues in Muslim countries of the world; Legal and Cultural Issues of Society; Legal Issues and Gender Equality; Legal Issues in the Customary System; Legal Issues in Social Society; Legal Issues in Religious Studies or Local Beliefs; Legal Issues in the Study of Legal Anthropology; Reform of Islamic family law from the perspective of Mubādalah; Studies and research on family concepts in Islam; Studies and research on program initiatives related to strengthening marriage and family, elations such as marriage guidance of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.
  3. Especially for writing article titles using size 16 pt, capitalize each word, and no more than 15 words.
  4. Page and Text Format. Manuscripts are written on A4 paper with 2.5-2.5 cm margins (Top-Left-Bottom-Right) and use Type Centaur font, size 12, 1.3 spaces.
  5. Number of Article Pages. The number of Journal article pages is a minimum of 10 pages and a maximum of 15 pages.
  6. Writing of Terms. Foreign terms used in the manuscript are written in italic style, for example the words research, distribution, management, and system, and so on.
  7. If using images in the writing, the images must be high-resolution and not broken when printed.
  8. Supporting instruments such as tables and figures should also be accompanied by an analysis or explanation of the instrument and its relevance to the author's writing.
  9. Citation Technique. The citation or reference uses the body note model with APA Style standards (Example: (Shulton, 2017).
  10. In referring to citations or references using Reference Management in the form of Zotero or Mendeley applications. Endnote or Reference Manager is similar to the American Psychological Association 6th Edition Style.
  11. It is mandatory to cite a minimum of 2 international Journal reference sources (reputable international journals or scopus).
  12. All publications cited in the text must be included as a Bibliography list, with an arrangement according to the Reference Manager used.
  13. References that can be referred to are all publications in the last 10 (ten) years, except for certain references that are considered quite important in the academic community / composition of the Bibliography must be 50% from national and international journals, theses, and proceedings; 50% of the Bibliography comes from books except Wikipedia and personal blogs. (Shah et al., 2015). The use of this citation is only an example as a guide for authors (Ajis Halid, 2019).
  14. When referring to an article, the initial letter of the word "Article" is written in capital letters.
  15. When referring to a verse, the initial letter of the word "Verse" is written in capital letters and the verse number in parentheses. Example: Paragraph (2)
  16. The abbreviation of the name of laws and regulations is left to the style of each author, as long as it is used consistently. The suggested form, for example, is "Law. No. 30 Year 2014".
  17. If a direct quotation of a phrase, paragraph, or article contains an omitted part, please indicate the omitted part with an ellipsis inserted in square brackets "[...]".
  18. Authors are advised to avoid the enumerative method.